NOTE: This article's instructions are for customers with our legacy admin experience. If you are interested in moving into the new admin experience early, please contact customer support. For instructions on how to achieve this in our new admin experience, please visit [this link].
The Curriculum Management tool allows admins to create the initial and annual training bundle assigned to each caregiver added to their CareAcademy dashboard. There are advanced options to customize these bundles even further.
This article will discuss the due date settings available for initial and annual training.
Step 1: Navigate to the Curriculum tab on your dashboard.
Step 2: Click the Due Date Settings button.
Step 3: Below are the possible options you will see, along with a description of each. Once you have selected the settings you would like to use, please press Save.
Initial Training Due Date:
This will default to No, which means caregivers will not have a specific due date for initial training.
If you select Yes, you will have the option to choose a set number of days after being added to the dashboard that initial training will be due. For example: Let's say you select Yes, and choose to have initial training due 7 days after being added to the dashboard. If you were to add a caregiver to the dashboard on July 30th, their initial training due date would be August 6th.
Annual Training Due Date:
Hire date - The annual curriculum will be due on the anniversary of a caregiver's hire date each year. This is the default option.
Custom due date for each caregiver - This option will allow you to select individual annual training due dates for each caregiver. For more details, please visit Option 2 in this article.
Single due date every year for everyone - The annual curriculum will be due on the same date each year for every caregiver.
The due date settings will apply to all caregivers on the dashboard, regardless of the caregiver group and/or curriculum track. Automated training reminders will begin 60 days before the due date.