NOTE: This article's instructions are for customers with our legacy admin experience. If you are interested in moving into the new admin experience early, please contact customer support. For instructions on how to achieve this in our new admin experience, please visit [this link].
As an administrator, you can set a new password for any caregiver via your dashboard. Although caregivers may use the Reset Password button on the login page to set or reset their own password at any time, CareAcademy finds that caregivers occasionally reach out to their managers for support, particularly if they are already in the office. Administrators can also send a Reset Password email to the caregiver from the Admin Dashboard.
Step 1: In your Dashboard, select the desired caregiver to expand their account details.
Step 2: Select the Options button.
Step 3: Select Change Password option.
Step 4: Enter the desired password on both fields (password must be at least 6 characters). Then, select "CHANGE PASSWORD".
The caregiver's password is now updated. He or she can log in at any time using their new password.
Another option for Step 3: Select Send Password Reset Details.
The caregiver has now been sent a message (via email and/or text) to reset their password. He or she can log in at any time using their new password.