NOTE: This article's instructions are for customers with our legacy admin experience. If you are interested in moving into the new admin experience early, please contact customer support. For instructions on how to achieve this in our new admin experience, please visit [this link].
Continuing education regulations vary from state to state. In states with a formal approval process, CareAcademy has tagged state-approved classes with the topic in order to help you identify which classes are approved for continuing education credit. You can also confirm that a class is approved for continuing education by looking at the topics associated with the class. Only classes tagged with [state abbreviation] CE are approved for continuing education credit.
- "[state abbreviation] CE"
- "[state abbreviation] CNA CE"
Please note: Not all states have a formal approval process for continuing education. CareAcademy classes can be used in most states for continuing education without additional approval. State-specific class tags are only available for states with a formal approval process.
CareAcademy continues to submit additional classes in its library for continuing education approval. Class details are updated in the dashboard as approvals are received.
Follow the steps below to determine which classes are approved for continuing education in your state.
Step 1: Navigate to the Curriculum tab on your dashboard.
Then, select the curriculum track you would like to work with.
Step 2: Click on the Add/Remove Classes button.
Step 3: Press the Filter by topic drop-down menu or search for the class you want to check. Look for your state abbreviation followed by CE. After selecting the topic filter, courses approved for continuing education credit in that state will be listed. You can add these classes to your curriculum using the steps found in this article.
You can also find these topic tags via the Add Training feature.
Check out our help video for more details about Curriculum Tracks and Caregiver Groups.
Note: Caregiver Groups and multiple curriculum tracks are not available in the Starter/Basic package.