CareAcademy's Content Creation tool is only included in the Business/Complete package.
For more information on packages, contact our Customer Support team.
Please find CareAcademy’s preferred course settings below. We understand that each organization has different preferences and that not all of these suggestions may work for you.
Courses > Info Tab
- Details
- Description - Yes, add Course description
- Objectives - Yes, add course objectives
- Course Images - Optional
- Additional Settings
- Course Owner - Set to appropriate name
- Manager can enroll learners? No/Off
- Course can never be completed by learners - No/Off
- Allow course rating/reviews - Yes/On
- Review is mandatory? No/Off
- Email course owner when a review is submitted? No/Off
- Launch to Description? - Yes/On
- Allow Learner to Unenroll from this course? No/Off
- Difficulty - Not applicable
- Course Length/Course Unit - Yes, complete this.
- Certs & Credits
- Currently, a CareAcademy certificate will be generated for your custom courses. We are actively working to optimize this process for custom branded certificates.
- Reviews - Default settings
- Due Dates/Valid Periods - Default settings
- Notifications - Default settings
- Forum Settings
- Enable Course Form - No/Off
- Learners can create posts - Yes/On
Courses > Content Options
- Sequence Your Content - Yes/On
Courses > Content > Test (Select Link of Test in Module List) > Exam Options
- Question Randomization
- Randomize the order of the questions displayed - Yes/On
- Randomize the order of the answers displayed - Yes/On
- Prevent previously answered question access - No/Off
- Timed exams - No/Off
- Knowledge Check - No/Off
- If you would like this test to act as a mid-lesson quiz, select this to be Yes/On
- Passing Score
- Passing score - 80
- Show Passing score required before starting the exam - Yes/On
- Show passing score required after submitting the exam - Yes/On
- Attempt Options
- Unlimited number of attempts - No/Off
- Number of attempts allowed - 6
- Allow user to re-attempt after pass - Yes/On
- Take users previous attempt status if better - No/Off
- Take users previous scoring percentage if better - No/Off
- Show attempt x of y during exam - Yes/On
- Allow learners to leave and return to an exam attempt - Yes/On
- Submit Options
- Send email to the learners instructor when they submit this exam - No/Off
- Bypass sequencing on this exam, when failed and its their last attempt - No/Off
- Show attempt x of y after submit - Yes/On
- Show Passed/Failed status after submit - Yes/On
- Show score achieved after submit - Yes/On
- Show question and answers given after submit - Yes/On
- Allow learners to download a PDF of their exam results after they submit this exam - No/Off
- Feedback Options
- Show if an overall answer was correct or incorrect - Yes/On
- Show the correct answer options after submit? Never
- Show correct/incorrect feedback after submit? Always