CareAcademy sends the following types of messages to your team members via email and text (if a phone number is in their profile):
All messages will include the following:
- Dashboard name (included in subject and body)
- Link to log in
- Team Member's user ID
- Ability to contact Customer Support team
Messages can be viewed via the Message Log on your Admin Dashboard. Please view this article for more details on when automated training reminders are sent.
Welcome Invites
A welcome invite will be sent automatically when a team member is added to the dashboard.
Course Reminders
A course reminder message will be sent when new training becomes available to a team member. This occurs when one of the two scenarios takes place:
1. The administrator uses the "Add Training" option to assign out additional training.
- Subject: * [Organization Name - City, State] just added new training into your CareAcademy profile! *
Hi [team member's first name],
[Organization Name - City, State] has handpicked training just for you.
Expand your knowledge and complete your 8 new classes.START NOW:
If you need assistance, go to and click on the chat box OR email us at
The CareAcademy Team
2. A new class becomes available based on the "Annual Schedule" via the Training Group tab.
- Subject: * [Organization Name - City, State] just added new training into your CareAcademy profile! *
Hi [team member first name],
[Organization Name - City, State] wants you to complete some of your required annual training every month.
Keep it up and complete 1 new class this month.
You have 7 in total to complete.START NOW:
If you need assistance, go to and click on the chat box OR email us at
The CareAcademy Team
Training Reminders
We have a variety of training reminder messages that are sent to team members following a specific format. For example, a team member who has not started their required training will receive the message below:
- Subject: * [Organization Name - City, State] TRAINING: Need help to start? *
[Organization Name - City, State] has handpicked required training for you.
Let us know if you need help in starting your 8 remaining classes due in 16 days.START NOW:
If you need assistance, go to and click on the chat box OR email us at
The CareAcademy Team
The wording above is adjusted based on the following scenarios:
1. When is the training due?
- If the training is past due, the message will include:
- Body: "You have _ class(es) that was/were due on"
- If the training is due in more than 30 days, the message will include:
- Subject: "TRAINING: Complete it early!"
Body: "Let's complete the training early and make an even greater impact for your clients. You have _ class(es) remaining."
2. Has the team members started the training?
- If the team member started the training, the message will include:
- Subject: "TRAINING: Continue your progress!"
- Body: "You already completed _ class(es). Keep it up and complete the _ class(es) remaining."
- If the team member started the training but has not completed it, the message will include:
- Subject: "TRAINING: Need help completing your classes?"
- Body: "You already started _ class(es). Keep it up and complete your _ class(es)."
- If the team member is almost done with training, the message will include:
- Subject: "TRAINING: You're almost done!"
- Body: "Congrats! You're almost done. You only need to complete _ class(es) remaining."
- If the team member has never started the training, the message will include:
- Subject: "TRAINING: Need help to start?"
- Body: "Let us know if you need help in starting your _ class(es) remaining."
3. Is the training required for compliance?
- If the training is required for compliance reasons (Note: This will vary by state and can be further determined with the (Training Group), the message will include:
- Subject: "required training"
- Body: "required training"
- If the training is not required and has been assigned out as additional training via the "Add Training" feature, the message will include:
- Subject: "assigned training"
- Body: "training"
- If it is initial training, the message will include:
- Body: "You may need this training to begin visiting clients"
- If it is annual training, the message will include:
- Body: "You may have to complete your training on time to be compliant with state mandates"
- If annual training is overdue, there is a specific email that goes out:
Subject: * [Organization Name - City, State] TRAINING PAST DUE *
Hi [team member first name],
You have 8 classes that are now 12 day(s) past due.START NOW:
Thank you,
The CareAcademy Team