When you sign up with CareAcademy, you are able to select how many seats you wish to have on your dashboard. We understand that as things change and your business grows, you may need to add additional seats in the future.
To add more seats to your dashboard, please see the instructions below.
Note: In order to add seats to your dashboard, you must be a franchise manager, organization owner, or billing manager. To learn about the difference between administrator roles, please visit this article.
Step 1: On your Admin Dashboard, locate the seat counter on the upper left. Press the "Add seats" button.
Step 2: Upon selection, one of two things will occur depending on your dashboard.
Request More Seats
If you receive the following notification, please press the "Request more seats" button, which will notify the CareAcademy team. A team member will reach out to you to assist within 1-3 business days.
Add More Seats
If you receive the following notification, you have the ability to add seats to your dashboard on your own. Begin by typing in the number of additional seats you wish to add. On the right, you will see an order summary. Once you agree to our terms and conditions, please check the box. Then, you will be able to press the Add Seats button.
Please note: We are in the process of rolling the Add Seats feature out to all dashboards soon! If you have questions about what option you have when you select the "Add more seats" button, please contact our Customer Support team.