In CareAcademy, it is possible to access your CareAcademy classes after completing them as long as you are currently active within your organization.
If you find yourself inactive, we recommend reaching out to your organization.
To access classes after completing them, please follow the directions below:
Step 1: Log in via You will be navigated to the caregiver dashboard.
Possible Scenarios
Scenario 1: You have not started training. Click the "Get Started" button.
Scenario 2: You have started training. Click the "Continue" button.
Scenarios 1 and 2 will take you directly into your next class. Once there, if you would like to see your full list of classes or work on another class, click Dashboard on the upper left or visit this article for more guidance.
Scenario 3: There is no training assigned to you at this time. You will receive a message when training is available.
Scenario 4: You have completed all your training.
To access your list of classes, click the completed training under "All your training".
Step 2: After you navigate to your list of classes dependent on the scenario above, select Completed Courses.
Step 3: Press the Relaunch button to access the class you have completed.
This will open the class you have completed and allow you to relaunch a lesson you would like to view.
To learn more about the new caregiver dashboard, check out this video!