NOTE: This article's instructions are for customers with our new admin experience. If you are interested in moving into the new admin experience early, please contact customer support. For instructions on how to achieve this in our legacy admin experience, please visit [this link].
It is possible to both individually add and bulk assign team members to a pre-existing group via the "Training Groups" on the Team tab from the home screen of the Admin Dashboard.
Note: It is important to remember that once a caregiver's group has been assigned, their curriculum will automatically update to reflect the curriculum track associated with that group.
To get started, log in to your admin dashboard via
Access the Team page by selecting the "Team" Icon on the upper left side of your dashboard.
To move an individual caregiver to a training group:
Step 1: Search for the team member using the search feature in our Team member table
Step 2: Select "Edit" for the team member and you will be taken to the Team member's details
Step 3: Select the 3 dot button on the upper right side of the page, followed by choosing "Move to group"
Step 4: Select the intended training group to transfer the team member to, and press "Select group" to confirm and save the changes
To move team members in bulk to a training group:
Step 1: Select the boxes on the left side of the team members who you would like to add the classes to (You can also select the top box next to NAME, to select all users)
Step 2: Select "Actions", and then "Move to group"
Step 3: Select intended training group to transfer the users selected, and click on "Save" to confirm.