CNAs in California MUST take an English version of a class for it to count for CNA CEU credit.
If your dashboard is set to California, administrators will receive a pop-up when creating or editing a team member whose language is Spanish and whose job role is CNA. This pop-up informs the administrator that classes don’t count for credit unless taken in English.
The admin can save the changes and proceed by pressing Continue.
The admin can go back and revise the team member’s settings by pressing Go Back.
Note: When a course with CNA CEU approval is completed in Spanish, the certificate of completion does NOT contain California CEU approval text in the footer.
Related Articles:
- What aspects of the Spanish experience are translated?
- How do I update existing enrollments after a team member's language is switched to Spanish?
- If a team member already has English classes assigned and their language is switched to Spanish, what happens to existing enrollments?
- How do I set team members preferred language?