CareAcademy's digital catalog surfaces to admin users all CareAcademy's available content. It shows both all individual training (under the Catalog) tab and all CareAcademy specialized certifications (under the Recommendations) tab.
Accessing the Class Catalog:
Step 1: Log in to your CareAcademy dashboard.
Step 2: Select the "Catalog" button in the left-hand corner.
Step 3: Upon selection, CareAcademy's Class Catalog page will open. Here, we can search for available classes to enroll your team members in and discover what Content CareAcademy has available.
The Catalog tab
The Catalog page displays courses you can access via your current plan. It includes top-level cards containing a course's name, duration, and Non-Medical* and/or Medical labels.
- If the course is fully translated into Spanish, the card displays a "Spanish" label.
- When applicable, the card displays an "out of plan" label to indicate if the course is not part of your current plan.
- When applicable, the card displays a "limited" label to indicate that the course enrollment limit is based on the number of users for whom the user purchased access to this training.
Search bar
The catalog is searchable by course/bundle name, description, learning objectives, topic tags, and SKU (if applicable).
Using the search bar:
Step 1: Select the search bar to enable typing
Step 2: Type the intended course name, topic, keyword, or identifier for the class to find
or simply type in a broader topic like Dementia to see all related results
Step 3: Select the 3 dot button for a class to display the class's description and objectives
The catalog is lightly filterable. There are currently filters for Duration, Audience, Availability, and Language. They live in a slideover on the right side of the page.
Enabling a Filters:
Step 1: Select the Filter icon on the right side of the page
Step 2: You will be displayed filters to define the intended duration and can also select a checkbox for the Audience, Availability, and/or Language, select any option to automatically apply this to your search
Note and descriptions: Selected filters are displayed at the top of the Catalog page. Filters default to displaying all classes (both in plan and out of plan).
Time duration filter slider
Enables a user to filter courses by duration (10-minute increments).
Checkbox filters
When checked:
Non-Medical - Displays all courses that are most suitable for a non-medical audience (e.g., personal care aides, home health aides, and other non-medical direct care workers)
Medical - Displays all courses that are most suitable for a medical audience (e.g., nurses and other clinicians)
In plan - Displays all courses you can access via your current product plan/package.
Out of plan - Displays all courses that are not accessible via your current product plan/package
Spanish - Displays all courses that available fully translated into Spanish
The Recommendations tab
The Recommendations page displays CareAcademy's specialized certifications. It exposes all specialized certifications, including ones that you may not have access to via the current plan.
The Recommendations page contains top-level cards containing a bundle name, duration (in hours), number of classes, and tag for "Spanish subtitles," which indicates the bundle's component classes contain Spanish subtitles.
When applicable, the card displays an "out of plan" label to indicate if the course is not part of your current plan.
Card details contain additional information about the courses contained within the bundle, including:
Description of the bundle
Course-level details, including:
Duration (in minutes)
Tag for "Medical" or "Non-Medical"