NOTE: This article's instructions are for customers with our new admin experience. If you are interested in moving into the new admin experience early, please contact customer support. For instructions on how to achieve this in our legacy admin experience, please visit [this link].
CareAcademy makes it simple to confirm if your state has training requirements and to verify that your initial and annual curriculum meets these requirements. Upon starting with CareAcademy, your dashboard will automatically be populated with the CareAcademy recommended curriculum for your state to ensure that requirements are met.
How can I find out if my state has training requirements and what they are?
If your state has training requirements, you'll be able to locate this within your training groups' curriculum. If time and/or topic training requirements are mandated, you'll see a "Requirements" button within the Initial and Annual bundle. It will indicate whether requirements are met/unmet. More details about how to access this page can be found here: How to modify an initial and annual curriculum for your training group
Can I change the CareAcademy recommended curriculum and still remain in compliance?
It is possible to add and remove classes from your curriculum bundles and still rest assured knowing that your curriculum is within compliance. If your curriculum is not within compliance, you will see a warning banner as pictured below. The warning will alert you of what is missing in each curriculum bundle.
These missing requirements will also appear in the Class Catalog when you select the "Add Classes" button, as well as when you click the "MISSING REQUIREMENTS" button.
It's important to note that these warnings are only a guideline for you to follow. Your dashboard will not prevent you from publishing a curriculum if it is out of compliance.
Here is an example of what "Requirements Met" looks like: