NOTE: This article's instructions are for customers with our new admin experience. If you are interested in moving into the new admin experience early, please contact customer support. For instructions on how to achieve this in our legacy admin experience, please visit [this link].
This is an overview of how administrators can add new team members to their dashboards.
Step 1: Log in to your admin dashboard via
Step 2: Access the Team page by selecting the "Team" Icon on the upper left side of your dashboard
Step 3: Select the "Add team member" button on the upper right side of your screen
Step 4: You will arrive at a new screen where you can enter the team member's details
NOTE: The required information may vary depending on your state's requirements. You can learn more about why we ask for these details here: Onboarding: Details for Bulk Caregiver Import
- The phone number field is not a mandatory field; however, CareAcademy recommends inputting the team members's mobile number in order to ensure they receive text message reminders.
- Organizations located in California must enter their caregiver's HCA date and Registration ID in order for it to appear on their training logs.
- All organizations can select whether the new team member is enrolled in the initial and/or annual training curriculum associated with your dashboard. If the team member needs to take his or her annual training right away, select "Yes" on Annual Training Past Due.
- You have the option to select the role type of the new team member from the dropdown menu. You can also enter the team members's license number, if applicable. This information will appear on your team member's training log.
- You will have the option to select the Training Group here. When the team member is created, they will be assigned with the Curriculum Track assigned to the Training Group selected.
- Prior to creating the team member's profile, you will have the chance to preview the total number of classes that the team member will be enrolled in and when the classes will be enrolled.
Step 5: Select the "Create" button to add the team member to your dashboard. You can edit a team member's information at any time after their account is created. Once added, the caregiver will automatically receive a welcome email and text message.
CareAcademy will only use team members' information to register them for classes and to remind them about training when they have classes due soon. For more information on what type of messages your team members receive, please click here.