Franchisor managers have access to a multi-location dashboard to easily manage dashboards within their organization. With the multi-location dashboard, franchisor managers can navigate to individual dashboards, pull reports for all dashboards, and view metrics for all dashboards. As a franchisor manager with a Tier 3 package, this is also where to access the Content Creation tool.
To learn about the difference between organization administrators and franchisor managers, please visit this article.
When a franchisor manager logs in, they will see the multi-location dashboard listing all dashboards associated with their organization. There are a variety of metrics and reporting options. In this article, we will discuss the following:
Summary and Seat Count
The seat count will appear on the upper right part of the multi-location dashboard, if applicable. This will display the total number of active team members among all dashboards associated with the organization out of the total number of seats available among the dashboards.
The summary section will show an overview of all dashboards associated with the organization added together for the following metrics:
- Total number of active team members
- Total number of deactivated team members
- Total number of team members who have not completed initial training
- Total number of team members with annual training due within 60 days
- Total number of team members with annual training overdue
- Total number of team members that have not logged in for more than 90 days
- Total number of training hours completed by team members within the last 30 days
Printing Reports
Franchisor managers have the ability to print reports, similar to what is available on the Admin Dashboard. However, the reports on the multi-location dashboard will include all dashboards associated with their organization in one large report.
To access these reports, begin by clicking the Reports button on the upper right.
Once you select that button, you will be able to choose from among four reports:
- All completed classes
- All incomplete classes
- Specific completed class/classes (you will have the option to select the class/classes)
- Specific incomplete class/classes (you will have the option to select the class/classes)
When you select the type of report you wish to pull, you will be presented with date-related options regarding how you would like to generate your organization's compliance report. The options include the following:
Since Last Printed - This option will automatically display a report of classes that have been completed since the last time you printed the report. This is can be helpful if you need to periodically print out paper copies of your organization's most recent training completions.
Since Account Creation - This option will provide all completed classes since your CareAcademy account was created.
Custom Date Range - This option allows you to select a specific date range for which you want to review your compliance report. For example, you can search for completed classes in the “past six months” or "past two weeks”. You can also type in exact dates.
Once you have chosen a date range, please select the Print Report button.
Upon selection, your compliance report will be generated in an additional tab. Select the Print button in order to print your completion certificates.
Note: When viewing your compliance report, it is also possible to export this document to Excel or manually select the columns that are visible in the report.
Agencies Table
In addition to the metrics shown under Summary, franchisor managers can take a closer look at metrics under the Agencies section. Here, you are presented with a table that includes the following details:
Dashboard Names
- Total number of active team members
- Total number of deactivated team members
- Total number of team memberrs who have not completed initial training
- Total number of team members with annual training due within 60 days
- Total number of team members with annual training overdue
- Total number of team members that have not logged in for more than 90 days
- Total number of training hours completed by team memberrs within the last 30 days
- State in which this dashboard is located
By default, this table is in alphabetical order by dashboard name. However, you can sort the data by each section mentioned above. To do so, click the title or up/down arrows of the section you would like to sort by. If it is numerical, it will be smallest to largest or largest to smallest. Alphabetical order is applicable to organization or State sorting.
Note: If your organization has more than 20 dashboards associated, you can view more on the next page using the arrows on the bottom right. When sorting, it will apply to all dashboards, even if there are more than the 20 shown on the first page.
Franchisor managers also have the ability to export this table to Excel. To do so, press the Export Table to Excel button on the upper right.
Once that button is pressed, a box will pop up. To continue, click Export.
An Excel document will download and appear on the bottom left of your browser. There, you can click on it to open the document. The Excel spreadsheet can also be found in your Downloads folder.